Make a Referral
Refer to a program with expert clinicians and the highest standards for quality service.
Clients referred to Automobility will work with clinical staff who are licensed and registered occupational therapists (OTRL) and Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (CDRS). The CDRS designation is the national benchmark for quality in driver rehabilitation. Clinicians who carry the CDRS designation are the most knowledgeable therapists in the field of driver rehabilitation, are obligated to adhere to ADED best practices, and must keep up with rigorous continuing education requirements to maintain certification.
Physicians and other Health Care Providers
To refer a patient, please send an order and include the following information:
Patient's name and DOB
Patient or guardian contact info
"OT Driver Evaluation and Treatment" (or "OT Transportation Evaluation" for a passenger evaluation)
Sign and Date
Return fax number to send you a copy of the evaluation and reports
This fillable referral form may also be used to send the requested information.
Please fax orders to 616-741-2310 or email to
Vision Specialists
To refer a patient, please send an order and include the following information:
Patient's name and DOB
Patient or guardian contact info
"OT Driver Evaluation and Treatment"
Sign and Date
Completed and signed Vision Specialist's Statement of Examination form (download here)
Return fax number to send you a copy of the evaluation and reports
This fillable referral form may also be used to send the requested information.
Please fax orders to 616-741-2310 or email to
Michigan Rehabilitation Services Counselors
To refer a customer, please send the following information:
An MRS vendor authorization (contact us with questions on which service is appropriate and fees)
Patient's name and DOB
Patient or guardian contact info
Sign and Date
This fillable referral form may also be used to send the requested information.
Please fax to 616-741-2310 or email to
Case Managers
To refer a client, please send a physician's order (as described above) and the following information:
Patient's name and DOB
Patient or guardian contact info
Claim number, DOI, adjuster name and contact info.
This fillable referral form may also be used to send the requested information.
Please fax to 616-741-2310 or email to